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I don’t know what to do.

I don’t know what to do. I am scared. I am full of guilt, shame, and regret. I feel lost in myself, trying to grasp at straws to pull myself out of uncertainty. Am I being real? Am I fake? There is a sadness in me that makes me hide and fear. I feel like…


Shamanism is not a path you just learn in a weekend seminar or from a book. It is a lifelong journey that calls upon challenging experiences and connection to a force greater than ourselves, in order to heal oneself, others, and the world.  For a shaman his or her wounds are their biggest strength. The…

Why It’s Hard To Be “You”

“Just be yourself!” This is probably the most common form of advice given to the current generation. While this may be good advice in theory, sometimes it’s not easy knowing what it means to be “me.” Is it okay to show my anxiety? My insecurities? What if being me is completely contrary to what people…

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